217 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for TheLion


Sat 20th May 10:39
Seven Redux rated  Perfect
I enjoy playing this game. Except a few boards, I've found the advantage of going first and of board set up are much less than I initially thought.

I would prefer that at the start of each turn was "Fortify" instead of "Attack". "fortify" is the first move most of the time. Also, each round has only two possible. When one is executed it would be great if the other is activated. This would speed things up.

Great game!!!
#3 of 3
Thu 26th Nov 18:38
Battle of Bladensburg rated  Perfect
I love this game. I have not found out the strategy to win, but will keep trying.
#2 of 3
Sat 25th Jul 15:32
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
love the game
#1 of 3